Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Seize properties of Mumbra Lucky Compound perpetrators

Mumbra's Lucky Compound's 7 stories fell like house of cards killing more than 50 and houses turned graves. 70 people were injured. Government has suspended two officials and offered assistance to the affected. It has also asked for an enquiry.
Till the enquiry is completed, the affected will not receive justice and the guilty will be safe. 

“People work hard and buy dream houses to improve their family's future. Government earns 10% of the value of their purchase via register. Why is that they do not inquire when they register these illegal houses?” says Manmohan Gupta. 

Government should not just refund what the victims have lost, but also allot them houses to live. Seize the properties of the culprits and use the money to finance rehabilitation of the affected people. This will also teach a lesson to the others who indulge is such heinous practices.

Malad (West) based Manmohan Gupta,the chairman of NGO Gandhi Vichar Manch wants murder charges on the culprits.  

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