Monday, March 4, 2013

Government & Education board must be joking

Mumbai.10th, 12th and colleges are being run as a joke by government and education board, says Manmohan Gupta, President of NGO ‘Gandhi Vichar Manch’ in Malad (West), Mumbai.

In Maharashtra, every year the syllabus of schools and colleges are being changes resulting in difficulty for teachers to comprehend. Each subject has 15 to 20 chapters and each chapter has around 50 pages. Chemistry exams of 12th calss have been postponed due to time needed to teach this syllabus. Children begin preparing for medical and engineering exams before they can even clear 11th class. How much children can study? Government has put so much pressure on science students that they are always in tension.  

If teachers are not able to teach the subjects in stipulated time, comprehend how much time students need to learn it. Besides these are subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc. To compete with CBSE; Maharashtra Board is being unfair to students. Students are told to mug up if they cannot understand. Government needs to train the teachers before asking them to teach students.If government want to change Maharashtra’s school & college as level to CBSC than they should change syllabus for first std. not in SSC or HSC. 

Manmohan Gupta says "When even 12th class teachers & students are complaining, students are being given less time to finish exam for difficult subject like physics. Why are Government and Education board not ready for a retest? When paper is leaked any one place than students are asked to take a retest even for IPS.Once results start flowing in, students will begin suicides than who take responsibility for that Government or Education board? Children should be taught only things that are useful.”  

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